Goals for 2015!

“If you don’t have goals, you aren’t growing. If you aren’t growing, you’re dying.” -Anthony Robbins

“Where there is no vision, the people parish.” Proverbs 29:18

I am a notorious list maker, planner lover and goal maker. If I don’t have something to look forward to, or work towards I go insane. That’s probably why at the beginning of every year I set out to write my list of goals for the coming year. It’s incredible what happens when you write words down, and think on them throughout the year. Honestly, everything I wrote last year happened. I am writing my list publically this year to prove that words are powerful!


My goals for 2015:

  1. I would like to run at least a 5K race, if not longer races. EVERY MONTH. On the months where weather doesn’t permit, I will run an indoor 5K at my gym.
  2. Up my writing on and off this blog. I have a passion for writing, and I want to spend more time in that. Specifically, I want to blog about food at least twice a month.
  3. As the chef of the family, and the caretaker to everyone’s health, I have decided to implement “meatless Mondays” as I dabble in Vegetarian cooking. I have had some great friends and family who are vegetarian come forward with some incredible recipes. I can’t wait to start this! And this will coincide with my food blogging as well! If anyone has any good recipes PLEASE comment! I am SO new to this, I need help.
  4. I want to get my photography business off the ground here in Utah. Click here to see my Facebook page! Since the move, I haven’t had any sessions nor have I even thought about it. But I’m ready to get back to another passion of mine.
  5. I am dying to get back to school. Since we aren’t considered “residents” of Utah until we’ve lived here a year, it’s been a long wait. However, I should be able to return to school in the fall, and get this associates degree DONE with for good!


What are your goals for 2015? Have you ever had the experience that what you write come true? Make some goals! You will be amazed what that does for you! Wishing you a fantastic 2015!



Summer: a paraphrase

I haven’t blogged since July. That’s so sad. My laptop died a heroic death, but unfortunately it took everything with it. I’ve always had a passion for writing. It gets all my ideas out of my head and helps me keep my sanity. Im not to keen on the desktop though, but I guess I need to get over that. So much has happened since July: So incredibly much.  I honestly don’t know where to begin.

To save all the hassle of writing up all the blogs I should have in the last 3 months, I am going to paraphrase.

JULY: Florida: 4th of July. Many days at the beach. Mini golf, the kids first time ever. Sam’s birthday. Dave Matthews Band Concert. Art museums, yes I’m that girl. St. Augustine. Gater farm. Clearwater. Incredible white sand beaches. I don’t ever want to leave. Meeting old army friends. Shark teeth. Back to our new home in Salt Lake City: Settling in. MY SISTER MOLLY HAD HER BABY!!! A beautiful baby girl named Zoey. School started so early for the kids. Girls started Kindergarten. Since when is that okay? Pool time with Corah while big kids are at school. She had a hard time adjusting to being without her siblings.

AUGUST: I started training for my half marathon. Intense. In awe with the mountains, every day. Corah turns two. Wait, what?! My lovely friend Tiphani came to stay with me for two weeks! We took full advantage of the Utah sun and outdoors while she was here. Hiking. Beaching. Crafting. And silly drinking game nights. Enjoyed every minute and cried like a baby when she left. Continued to soak up summer sun. Talked with an old friend. Magic. Lavender fields. Still training every day for that marathon. Kayak on the lake.

SEPTEMBER: Football season starts. Are we the only Seattle fans in Utah? Apparently not. Still training. My kids are settled in school and have friends now. Makes me happy. I don’t get to go to Canada to see my new niece, so sad about that.  Flag football starts for Aedan. That’s entertaining. I get some much needed alone time. Heart break ensues. #41.  Sam started a new job at Morgan Stanley. So proud of him! Dave Matthews has his own wine? Why didn’t I know about that? I have too much free time. Grey Street. Fall décor. More Seahawks games. More training.

OCTOBER: Its already October? How? Kids are out of school for a month. We’ve been playing. Reading. Walking. It’s still warm here? This is so weird. Flag football ended for Aedan. He loved it. Sam and I have been having nightly walks together after the kids go to sleep. Works wonders. Sky full of stars. I still have too much free time. Looking into going back to school. My half-marathon is in 3 days!!! I leave for my brother’s wedding in Virginia in 5 days!! Excited to see my family! And to be at a wedding that’s on a vineyard… Wine does equal happiness.

We have packed so much into a short amount of time. Not only was it a lot of activities, but it was a lot of life changes. A lot of heart changes, a lot of up-rooting and rearranging my entire life type changes. Damn it was a summer.

I will write more, I promise. I’ve missed it too much.


Making Fitness Fun!

I am so thrilled that being fit is really in now-a-days because there has been a huge rise in AWESOME 5K’s. I participated in the Color Run last Saturday (09-21-2013) in Tacoma. It was honestly the most fun thing I’ve done in quite a while. Let’s be honest, how many of you enjoy running on the treadmill? Definitely not me. I’d rather run on a track or outside on the awesome forest trails around my house, or even on the water front. Treadmill is a last resort.

This was my first color run, so I really didn’t know what to expect. It felt like more of a party atmosphere than a racing one. Music blasting! We had to wait for what seemed like a long time to start!

Starting line!

Starting line!

party time!

party time!

Tiphani and I at the starting line

Tiphani and I at the starting line


BLUE color station


PINK color station


YELLOW color station

At the last color station!

At the last color station!

At the finish line was the color party! This was my favorite part! Think of it as a mosh pit of color! Blasting your favorite songs with color flying in the air!


Katie and I after being powdered with color

Katie and I after being powdered with color

Tiphani and I after the color party

Tiphani and I after the color party

And best of all I found the Sonic’s guy and got a picture with him!!


I am looking forward to more runs! In October, we are doing the Zombie run. In November, we will be doing the Ugly Sweater Run and in December we will do the Jingle Bell Dash! Please join us! I love making fitness fun!

Fitness Schedule

With the twins returning to preschool three days a week from 8:30am to 11:00am, I can finally add some strength training back into my fitness schedule without costing a fortune in daycare at the gym. This summer, my gym time has been sporadic at best. Thankfully I have kept up with my daily yoga, but I can’t say how happy I am to get back to a routine of strength training.
Just like I did with my clean eating, I’d like to be open and accountable for my fitness schedule as well. I am a very organized person, and schedules are the utmost important thing for me to stay on track. If you think I’m a dork, that’s okay, but this is how I get it done!
My gym has a cardio area with what I call a “child prison.” You don’t have to check your child into the actual daycare; you just put them in this little “play” area where you can watch them play while you are on the treadmill or the elliptical. I plan to do this the two days a week that the girls aren’t in preschool. I can let all three girls play while I do an hour of cardio! During the days the twins are in school, I have an hour of time to actually workout after I drive there and check Corah into daycare. I plan to do 45 minutes of weights and 15 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio. On Fridays, I have a bible study group during the preschool hours that is more important than working out. Luckily on Fridays my chiropractor does a “workout with the doc” where I can get a KICK BUTT workout in. If our schedule permits, I am hoping to do a cardio and total body strength training session on Saturdays.

Fitness Routine:
Wednesday: Lower Body Weights, HIIT Cardio, YOGA
Thursday: Upper Body Weights, HIIT Cardio, YOGA
Friday: HIIT, YOGA
Saturday: CARDIO, total body weights, YOGA
Sunday: Rest day, YOGA

YAY for schedules! My goal is to be STRONG! I am thankful to have you come along this journey with me! Accountability is the best way to get anything done! Let’s encourage each other!

getting stronger

getting my sweat on