Floral Monograms

This year for the twins birthday, I wanted to finally make their monograms for above their beds. When Corah moved into their room nearly a year ago, she came with her own monogram from her nursery, and the space above the twins bed’s was rather lacking.

I finally decided that the girls room wouldn’t necessarily be designed under a strict “theme.” Instead, I chose to just go with all things girly and colorful. These monograms really make a huge impact on the feel of the room.

My original plan was to fill the entire letter with flowers, but as I did that, the letter disappeared and only left a floral blob that resembled a letter. Instead, I discovered that I like the look of the flowers gathered together in one spot.

Here’s the DIY tutorial:

I bought these plain wooden letters at Hobby Lobby, and painted them with a teal acrylic paint, which needed two coats.

Using wire cutters, I took a bouquet of the fake flowers and cut each one off from the stems and hot glued them to the letter. This is kind of a trial and error process in which you try to make it look as full as possible. A lot of these flowers were actually glued right on top of each other.


Here is the final product hanging in their room! It was really simple to do, and they look so lovely in my girls colorful floral room!


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