Floral Monograms

This year for the twins birthday, I wanted to finally make their monograms for above their beds. When Corah moved into their room nearly a year ago, she came with her own monogram from her nursery, and the space above the twins bed’s was rather lacking.

I finally decided that the girls room wouldn’t necessarily be designed under a strict “theme.” Instead, I chose to just go with all things girly and colorful. These monograms really make a huge impact on the feel of the room.

My original plan was to fill the entire letter with flowers, but as I did that, the letter disappeared and only left a floral blob that resembled a letter. Instead, I discovered that I like the look of the flowers gathered together in one spot.

Here’s the DIY tutorial:

I bought these plain wooden letters at Hobby Lobby, and painted them with a teal acrylic paint, which needed two coats.

Using wire cutters, I took a bouquet of the fake flowers and cut each one off from the stems and hot glued them to the letter. This is kind of a trial and error process in which you try to make it look as full as possible. A lot of these flowers were actually glued right on top of each other.


Here is the final product hanging in their room! It was really simple to do, and they look so lovely in my girls colorful floral room!


Weekend Project for our Master

Hi friends! I want to share a cute project I did a few weekends ago for our Master Bedroom. I am a huge fan of monograms. It’s such a classic look. I have been on the hunt for a pair that I loved, but could never quite find what I was looking for! Our bedroom has a romantic and rustic feel to it. Nothing I could find matched that style (or my budget) so I finally decided to make my own. Thank goodness for Hobby Lobby!


These plain letters were about $12 a piece at hobby lobby but of course I waited for a sale and a coupon 😉

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I wanted a rustic feel, so I went with a dark stain to start and let that dry over night.


The next day I used an acrylic light grey paint to paint over the dark stain. Our bedroom walls are white, and the furniture is black and cherry wood. This color choice really tied in the rustic theme for me.


MAKE SURE the acrylic is dry before you start sanding! You can sand as little or as much as you like. Sanding makes that stain pop through your color, giving it a weathered look.


Final product!

IMG_6112I absolutely loved how it turned out! And for how easy and cheap this project was, I can’t wait to do some different monograms for my kids’ room!


Look at those little cuties in our bed! Have you ever done a monogram project? Let me see!!

Antique High Chair Refinished

I have always been in love with Antique high chairs. They are just so much more special then the regular high chairs you get at the baby stores these days. I knew that part of Corah’s first birthday party would include a beautiful antique high chair as a main focal piece. Luckily I have some amazing facebook friends: soon after posting a “keep your eyes out” status, I got a fantastic antique high chair in GREAT shape, FOR FREE!!! Just what I was hoping for! Thanks Loujanna!!

Here is the chair Before



If you didn’t see the post about Corah’s birthday party, its a must see: click here. The theme was You are my Sunshine. I wanted the chair to be aqua blue with a sun painted on it. I got to work sanding, which took a long time because of the legs of the chair. Once I was done with that I painted the chair with two coats of interior paint (I just used the sample size, instead of paying for a whole gallon) with a regular paint brush. Once both coats were dry I free-hand painted the sun on the back, and the sun bursts on the front. This was the end result.








Here’s the chair at the Birthday Party:



I absolutely love the way it turned out! It shined in the birthday photos just the way I imagined! It really did make the party more glamorous! I always get nervous when I free-hand paint, but it always turns out amazing. I should learn to trust myself more 😉

If I wasn’t already addicted to refinishing pieces, this one would have done it for me FOR SURE. I currently have two more pieces in the works! Including a GORGEOUS mini-rocking chair! I can’t wait to share them with you!