Veg Week: Day One

Hi Friends! I am going on a kitchen adventure, and this is day one. I’m talking about my Vegetarian Week.

My Meal Plan for the Day (Click the links to see recipes!)

Breakfast: Mocha Protein Shake and Small handful of Pistachios

Snack: Apple and 2 tablespoons of all natural no sugar added peanut butter

Lunch: Chipotle Bowl Salad

Snack: Celery and Ranch Dip

Dinner: Egg drop Ramen veggie Soup

How I’m feeling: Honestly I was exhausted today. I couldn’t do much of anything. I did my normal cleaning and cooking, but beyond that, I just wanted a nap. I woke up with a headache, and drank as much water as possible to counteract that. I didn’t get a workout in today. I also didn’t drop any weight yet, which isn’t a shock. I enjoyed the food! Especially the Egg Drop Soup I made for dinner. I went to bed hungry, which was a big struggle for me. Sam and I usually have a little snack together before bed. I watched him eat, while I drank water. Bummer, but I know that is one habit I really need to break! Pointless eating needs to go! Luckily I was so tired that I went right to bed with NO problems! Hoping tomorrow I have more energy!

